Johnnie Clark

The Life and Works of an American Author

A Christmas Blog

I know Thanksgiving is the official time for giving thanks but my life seems to require thanks every single day. We watched the 4 grandchildren open presents and play with a new train set last night. I will see if Girl Friday can put in a photo. 


Watching these tiny people have so much fun is contagious. The entire family had as much fun watching as the babies had playing. Each little person is so unique and different from the others. God says that He knew us before we came out of the womb because He is the one who formed us in our mother’s womb and it is clear that He did. It boggles the mind to try to imagine the creativity it would take to make every human being ever born on Earth completely unique from all others but He did. 

As I sit watching beautiful Pelicans dive bomb for fish in 80 degree weather out of clear blue sky and wish I could see snow for Christmas. Isn’t it amazing how we always want something we don’t have? And how could I play tennis in the snow? 

I’m thankful for Girl Friday. I am so thankful for my family, friends and my dog Gunner. I’m thankful for God letting me be a writer. I’m thankful for mashed potatoes and gravy and watching White Christmas in front of a fire… even if you have to put the air conditioning down to light it. I’m thankful for the Marine Corps and those who assist. I’m thankful America finally has the courage to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel a few thousand years after God did. 

I’m thankful for my kids. Shawn and Bonnie are so smart and funny but most importantly they are genuine Christians. When I watch them teaching their children Godly principles I just get chill bumps. You can’t take too much credit for your kids being wonderful, I know far better parents than me who have losers for kids but I will take credit for praying for them. I heard a Pastor teach on parenting when my kids were very little. He said to start praying now for specific things like their future wife or husband to be a Christian. I did pray for that and my kids are married to Christians. He also said to not put your children ahead of your spouse. 

I am thankful for a great man and Pastor named Peter Lord. I went to a 3 day seminar he did at our church years ago. Here is what I learned and here is what I’d like to share with all of my friends this Christmas. 

The number one thing is the number one thing is the number one thing: It is this: “To love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind and all your strength.”  I hope we can all make that our number one goal this new year.