Johnnie Clark

The Life and Works of an American Author


In the News

Some of the toughest combat ever described on paper.
— Los Angeles Daily News

I figured the only way to understand life was to have been through something like these soldiers had been through. I became obsessed and started to read all these books about Vietnam. I remember this one book called Guns Up! that blew me away.
— Actor Bradley Cooper, Details Magazine



His books are hard to put down, the sort that cost you a night’s sleep.
— Eagle Magazine

Guns Up! is a fast read that brings you inside the mind and heart of a highly dedicated eighteen year old Marine serving in one of Vietnam’s worst combat zones.
— Senator James Webb, former Secretary of The Navy and Presidential candidate

A tough, no nonsense portrayal of combat, courage, and camaraderie. I’m proud to have served in the same Marine Corps with Johnnie Clark.
— Colonel Oliver North

Fox 13 Tampa Bay

Tampa Tribune

United States Marine Corps        1995 Conference Journal

St. Petersburg Times

St. Petersburg Times

The American Legion

The Battle at Nong Son

Play adapted from Gunner's Glory by Johnnie Clark

To view the complete play script for The Battle at Nong Son, click here

Guns Up! translated in Lithuanian