45 Years Of Clark Christmas Parties
There are just a couple days until the blessed event and I have yet to buy a single Christmas gift. In defense of this sad but typical effort at shopping I plead, “THE PARTY!” It’s like pleading the Fifth in front of Congress, it means you are guilty as sin but too cowardly to admit it.
It was the 45th annual Clark Christmas Party and it was wonderful. We had professional carolers dressed in Victorian garb and they were outstanding. We had tons of food that family and many great friends provided. We had enough alcohol to feed the 5th Marine Regiment. There was singing and fire pits and the “Towel Game” too. And not one single guest fell off of the dock. Chan even made it this year! If you've read Guns Up! you should recognize this guy.
This party does not happen by accident. It takes much planning and causes much stress. We dress up for this party. I discovered about 35 parties ago that having blue jean Christmas parties did not provide the visual enjoyment that should accompany such a celebration. The only way to get the girls to look hot was for the slobs…men…to dress up.
So we began requiring the guys to spiff up and many even started wearing tuxes. I marvel at my genius sometimes. It worked like an L shaped ambush as the girls started dressing up, whoa…and each Christmas the most beautiful girl at the party was my Nancy. Wow did she look hot this year and Christmas is Merry once again.
There were so many beautiful girls at the party this year but my daughter and daughter in-law, Bonnie and Amanda could have been on the cover of magazines.
Fire has always played a role in The Party. One year we had the party at my big Do Jang in Kenneth City. When flames reached to tops of trees the Police and Fire Department arrived. I had taught some of them Martial Arts so they did not throw us in jail. There were so many great parties and too many memories. We’ve had magicians and choirs and bands and professional singers and Christmas readings and etc. etc. but most importantly we had prayer.
I have one big regret about this final party. The regret is this. I forgot to say a prayer. It is difficult to pause a party of about a hundred people for a moment to thank and honor God for giving us a reason to party but I usually try. I truly regret not saying a final party prayer so I will say it now…..”Thanks Jesus for 45 wonderful birthday parties!!!!!” MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!